Some day, when I’m awfully low, When the world needs code, I will feel a glow just thinking of you, And the way you code tonight.
Sinatra App project is completed and I must say I am starting to feel like a programmer. Even though I know I have only started to open the Pandora’s Box that is coding, I am absolutely loving how far I have come.
I remember the feeling of pride after finishing my CLI Gem Project, and that feeling has only intensified after the completion of my Sinatra App.
Even though there was a lot that went into this project, between the models, the controllers, and the views, the labs leading up this project helped me feel very confident as I began working.
I decided to build on the “Foodie” theme that I used in my CLI Gem Project by creating a Foodie Cookbook App that allows users to create recipes to build an online recipe cookbook.
I am already surprised to see how much “magic” can come from using ActiveRecord and Sinatra, I can’t even imagine what type of magic the next sections include.
As soon as I was done with this project, I sent the video demo to my family and they are all so amazed that I created something that was interative with users. It was tough to decide to switch careers, but I’m really starting to believe just how good of a decision it was to switch to programming because of how excited I am to share my work with other people.
I love how each project just energizes me even more to move into the next section and learn what else programming has in store for me.
If you want to check out my video demo: Foodie Cookbook Sinatra Portfolio Project (styling to come)!